Casino Poker Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts at the Table

Etiquette in Casino Poker

Poker is not only a game of skill and luck but also a game of manners. Observing proper etiquette at the poker table in a casino is crucial, not just to keep the game enjoyable for everyone but also to maintain a level of professionalism and respect among players. This article will guide you through the essential do’s and don’ts of casino poker etiquette.

The Do’s of Casino Poker Etiquette

1. Do Pay Attention: Always be aware of the action at the table. It keeps the game moving smoothly and shows respect for your fellow players and the dealer.

2. Do Be Respectful: Treat dealers and players with courtesy. Address any grievances in a calm and respectful manner without escalating tensions.

3. Do Keep Your Emotions in Check: Poker can be a rollercoaster of emotions. Whether you’re on a winning streak or facing a bad beat, maintaining a composed demeanor is key. It helps in not giving away your strategies or reactions to the game.

4. Do Handle Chips Properly: Know your bets and place them confidently in one motion to avoid “string betting,” which is placing bets in multiple motions and is generally not allowed.

5. Do Tip the Dealer: In many cultures, it’s customary to tip the dealer especially after winning a large pot. This not only shows appreciation but also helps in maintaining a positive atmosphere at the table.

The Don’ts of Casino Poker Etiquette

1. Don’t Splash the Pot: When making a bet, place your chips neatly in front of you rather than throwing them into the pot. Splashing the pot makes it difficult for the dealer to determine the bet size.

2. Don’t Discuss Hands During Play: Discussing your hand while the action is ongoing can give away information and affect the play. Save any commentary for after the hand is completed.

3. Don’t Slow Roll: Slow rolling, revealing your winning hand in a delayed manner to see your opponent’s reaction, is considered one of the biggest breaches of poker etiquette. It’s seen as disrespectful and can frustrate other players.

4. Don’t Show Your Cards Until the Showdown: If you’re still in a hand, revealing your cards to others can unfairly influence the game. Keep your cards to yourself until the showdown.

5. Don’t Use Your Phone at the Table: Using your phone while at the poker table can be distracting and disrespectful to others. It’s best to step away from the table if you need to make a call or send a message.


Understanding and adhering to poker etiquette at the casino is as important as knowing the rules of the game itself. By following these do’s and don’ts, you’ll not only improve the quality of your game but also earn respect from fellow players and dealers. Poker etiquette helps maintain a fair, enjoyable, and professional atmosphere, allowing everyone at the table to focus on the strategy and enjoyment of the game.

Read More: The Art of the Deal: Winning Strategies for Casino Poker